Thursday, 14 November 2013

Script For Preliminary Task


Scene opens fade in from black with the camera placed low to the floor facing up the corridor. [Back ground noise of people].

Alex: (Interviewee)

[Walks along the corridor past the camera] [Footstep sound effects]

Cut shot to the next scene of a mid shot.

Alex: (Interviewee)

[Turns to face the door. Stops and gives a big sigh.]

Cut shot to a close up of Alex’s hand turning the door handle. (Match on action shot)

Cuts to the next scene from inside the room. [Wide angle shot]

Alex: (Interviewee)

[Walks into the room, shuts the door behind him. Takes his coat off and sits down in the chair]

Becky & Daniel:(First and Second Interveiwers)

[Sit up looking at Alex as he walks in]

Cut in an over the shoulder shot to face Becky and Daniel.

Becky:(First Interveiwer)

‘Right, can we have your name please?’

Cut to an over the shoulder shot facing Alex

Alex: (Interviewee)

‘Um.. my name is Alexander Underwood.’

Cut shot back to the same over the shoulder shot facing Becky and Daniel.

Daniel:(Second Interviewer)

‘So why are you interested in this particular job’

Cut shot back to an over the shoulder shot to face Alex

Alex: (Interviewee)

‘Um.. well, I haven’t really got another job if I’m honest with you, and I haven’t been offered another one so, I thought I’d come here.’

Cut in an over the shoulder shot to face Becky and Daniel.

Becky:(First Interviwer)

‘And.. what can you bring to the business?’

Cut shot back to a close up of Alex’s face.

Alex: (Interviewee)

‘Um.. Well.. Um.. Err.. I could bring.. I don’t know really..’

Camera Fades to black as we end the scene.

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