Thursday, 5 December 2013

Questionnaire and Results

Me and my group produced a questionnaire to find out a little bit more about the general publics take on Horror films. Here is the Questionnaire that we gave to people to fill in.

As you can see we asked a wide range of ages on this questionnaire. We mostly asked people 16 and above as we thought that people in this age range were more likely to watch horror films. Also because our film will probably be targeted at ages 16 and above.

We tried to ask females and males equally but found that we had actually asked more females than males. We wanted to ask both females and males because our film is going to be targeted at both genders and not just one.

We then asked if they watched horror films. We found that most of the people we asked said yes and only a small chunk said no.

If the people answered 'yes' then they were asked a few more questions. We then asked how often they watch then. We found that most people watched horror films between 0 and 3 times a week.


Then we asked what horror genre they mostly watch to see what was most popular. As you can see, paranormal horror is most popular. We will think about this when producing our film.

We found out that most poeple will watch horror films at home.


Most poeple will watch horror films with other people such as their friends. So we need to think about all of the different types of poeple that will be watching the horror film and try to make it for everyone.

We asked people how they feel when watching a horror film. The most popular emotion we found was 'scared' and 'excited'. This did not come as a surprise to us. In our film we are going to try to create these emotions.


From these findings we found that most people watch films at night. We decided this was because this helps set a scary atmosphere.



We found that most females are scared of male characters. We have found that most characters that play the villan are male and the victims are usually female this is probably why we have found these results.

Lastly we asked what type of character scares them the most. We found that a Demon/Ghost would scare most people the most. We will think about this when we are creating our film.

We carried out a questionnaire so we could find out more about our target audience. We wanted to find out what they were most scared off and what they would want to see in a horror film so we could add it in our film. From the results we can now see what our target audience prefer and we can now add this information into our film so that we know that people will actually watch it and get scared.

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